Tuesday, September 10, 2013

39 weeks

Everything is still pretty much the same over here. Just waiting for your arrival, which is getting more and more difficult. Seriously baby, how do you expect me to think about anything else except for meeting you. I really just can't wait.

At our last doctor's appointment, I was dilated only 1 cm and not effaced at all. So, it looks like you're awfully comfortable in there. Dr. Hoelzle also said she thought you were between 7 and 8 pounds. Perfect! Don't get any bigger.

I had to give a little presentation today at work and some coworkers and I were joking around about my water breaking while I was presenting. How awkward would that have been? But, it totally would've been worth it if it meant you were on your way.

My induction date has been scheduled for September 22 in case you decide not to show up by then. But, I really, really hope you do. It's crazy how fast it seems like the past nine months have gone by, but then this next week and a half feels like it's going to take forever.

In other news, you dad's friend Dustin (who was the best man in our wedding) and his wife Gina (who I spend a lot of time with and love going on runs with) are expecting their first child! It's so exciting because you guys are going to be the same age. It will be so great to have good friends with a young child that we can spend lots of time with.

Anyways, you'll come when you're good and ready (which I hope is really soon). I seriously already love you more than anything and can't wait to hold you and look into your eyes and tell you I love you. I've never been more excited, anxious, nervous, impatient, full of gratitude, and so many other things in my life. I can't believe this dream of becoming a mom is about to come true. You are truly the greatest blessing in the entire world.

Alright ... any day now! We're ready to meet you.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

38 weeks

Alright, I'm about ready to get this show on the road. This week you're about the size of a pumpkin, measuring about 19-20 inches long and weighing in at about 6 to 9 pounds. So, you tell me, how would you feel carrying a pumpkin around in your stomach all day?

One of my weekly pregnancy emails that I got for 38 weeks said something along the lines of, "You know what your baby looks like? A f-ing baby! Not some sort of produce." That totally made me left because I really thought it was funny that some of these sites still compare you to produce.

But, in all honesty, I'm just ready to meet you! Obviously being super uncomfortable and tired all the time is no help, but I'm just so, so ready to be a mom and take care of you and love you.

And I'm so, so, so sick of people saying things like, "Have you had that baby yet?" and (at work) "You're still here?!?!" Trust me, I'm more ready than you know and you're dumb comments aren't helping! Sorry. Can you tell I'm crabby all the time, too? Your poor dad. It's a good thing he really loves me. ;)

Symptoms: Lots of the same...

  • Pelvic pressure, and menstrual-like cramps
  • Braxton Hicks and/or contractions (Nothing painful, but they've definitely revved up a bit.)
  • Fatigue
  • Sore feet – when I wake up in the morning is the worst
  • Lots and lots and lots of potty breaks
  • General “I’m ready to get this little one outta me” feeling
Labor Signs: Still some contractions and/or Braxton Hicks, but nothing that shows any sort of a pattern. Yesterday, I had them all day and totally thought they were going to turn in to something more. No such luck. Some people are telling me it looks like I’ve “dropped,” but who knows. I've definitely got more of a waddle going on.

Workouts: Daily walks with Jax! But, the round ligament pains are terrible the whole time. However, I figure it can only help move things along.

Movement: Same as last week

Suspicions on gender: Boy.

Sleep: I hate to say terrible, but it's pretty terrible. Most nights I'm up every 1.5 - 2 hours to go to the bathroom and often it can be difficult to fall back asleep.

Next doctor's appointment: Friday! Hoping to be checked and get some sort of sign that I'm progressing.

Otherwise, we're just spending our time waiting for you. I don't really feel like doing a whole lot on the weekends, so we just sort of bum around Tosa and get things done around the house. We went to our last Brewers game this week. We're hoping to get one more in this season once you're born. So, you better hurry up and get here! Since I've been pregnant with you, we've been to 15 games (8 losses, 7 wins). The Brewers are doing terrible this season, though. They have absolutely no chance of getting into the playoffs and Ryan Braun is currently suspended cause he got caught using PEDs, after he swore he didn't. Classy, right? It's a good thing the first Packers game is Sunday. I'm ready for some football!!!